I found the game to be a blast the graphics are wonderful with attention to detail the weapons are very reactive and who doesnt love to roam around a lush jungle paradise and kill enemy soldiers. and the review is correct i dont think you need a killer system to run this i have a high end system but not an ultimate system .yet!!! but i find this game to be a lot of fun some people dig into a game a little to much antialising this and shader that let your system worry about that and just have fun with the game.not saying you dont want a high quality game but have fun with it dont play it just to pick it apart.Ive been playing games for thirty some years before video back when we just had pinball and arcade games.dont ever loose the joy of playing the game dont spend the whole game just anaylising is short comings or its strenghts because the you dont play the game you play a critic just love the game shade 6
I enjoyed Crysis 1's singleplayer alot, not to mention all the sweet user amde mods and what not as well. Fantastic singleplayer game with horrible online in my opinion. I didnt enjoy crysis 1 online at all, it was lagg... Read Full Review
Crysis Warhead is at war with itself; it's at war because it again can't decide if it wants to be a freeform game, or a rail shooter. In the end it cuts it losses and does both. Expansions tend to carry both the successe... Read Full Review