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User Rating: 9 | Crysis Warhead PC
I bought it only 2 days ago and find it absolutly amazing. The singleplayer campaign is short and end in a flash which last for only 6-7 hours on normal difficulty,but truly amzaing. And the multiplayer is quite good yet lacking of larger maps with vechicles (There are tanks and APC and copter in some map..which are perfect to me..)

But in cored multiplayer which focus only in shooting, crysis wars is definitly not that good enough compared with hardcore COD4.

Well the only thing that I am not quite satisfied with is it get some much a map which is "battleground", it could definitly rock Battlefield series forever. But sadly, only a few maps are that great..

Well but by considering its price lower by 1/3 than normal, I think it's quite worthy anyway and accomplished what it ought to be..;)

Graphic:Perfect's 10/10
Value:9/10 (For those who don't have crysis before, it's better-lower price and requirements.)

Overrall:9/10..:) Gotta love you once more!!!!