While Crysis Warhead delivers a great parallel story and intense action, there are still a few minor flags raised.

User Rating: 9 | Crysis Warhead PC
Ok, my third review so far. So cut me some slack. Basically after waiting around 6 months for Crytek to bring out an expansion, they finally did it, my reaction? Fantastic. Cutting to the chase, like its older brother Crysis Warhead delivers a great storyline, fantastic visuals and also great gameplay mixed with OTT action and intense battles.

Throughout the game you will find a number of new additions, such as the grenade launcher - which fires EMP grenades as well as classic Frags. Players will have to watch out for the EMP's as powerful as they are, they can effect your nano-suit if your in range! It temporarily causes the suit to malfunction and disable all abilities for a short period of time. Another weapon is the AY69 micro machine gun. These dual-wielded pieces of hawtness really make you feel badass at times, with 41 rounds per clip they can really pack a punch! With alot of recoil controlling the weapon may take some getting used to, but within minutes you'll use them like you were born holding the damn things.

Adding to the bestiary there are now a few special units. The lesser alien infantry will now be shielded by an elite version, although a simple EMP grenade can take this shield out no problem. I must say now the AI for the aliens has improved alot, they have new abilities and also take alot more evasive actions when being attacked, working together to bring you down. Also the larger alien machines also have an elite, which glows red instead of blue. It fires from what i could make out explosive balls of fire, a little weaker than the originals, but pack a harder punch.

You will also fight a classic alien hunter in the game, 2 to be exact, and these battles are great fun. I won't spill too much for those of you reading this to decide whether to buy the game or not, but the game doesn't run better than Crysis itself, maybe due to bugs or what not, people are having mixed reactions at this current time but i'm sure Crytek/EA will release a patch to fix the minor bugs such as the game crashing, visual glitches and even loading times. Coming back to the subject of gameplay the level design is brilliant as expected, although theres only a good 6 hours or less of solid single-player gameplay, there are a few levels that you will be itching to go back and replay! There are a couple of linear levels, but don't let them cloud your judgement, there are plenty of open levels for you to decide how your going to destroy your enemies.

Finally there are a couple of new vehicles in the game,such as the hovercraft, in which the level you play your chasing down the warhead, with bullets flying past and awesome speed, this level is a total adrenaline rush! The voice acting and cut-scenes are very well done i must say, and ties into Crysis pretty well. Overall i'm giving Warhead a 9.0, also thanks to its online addon 'Crysis Wars' which is great fun for team deathmatches i must say.

The game seems somewhat more demanding than Crysis, but if your comp can run Crysis well than this shouldn't be too much of a problem. But i'm sorry this review is only focusing on the single-player campaign, only due my interest on the story, but thanks for reading, and when more of those games on my wishlist move to my now playing; I'll be sure to write some fresh reviews in the next coming months!

Thanks people.

TPJ McGinnes