Well I was quite disappointed with the lack of a proper resolution at the end of the first game so I am still feeling that same dissapointment only now I am $50 poorer. As awesome as this game looks and has been to play, I am still left wondering why they bothered. Nothing new really, besides different coloured aliens, and a new gun that you get to use for about 2 minutes. The story doesn't add anything to the overall plot and no important new characters are introduced. On the plus side it runs slightly better than Crysis.
Just hoping the third part of the series has somewhat of a story to it, maybe we find out what happened to Prophet, where the aliens came from or why they have decided to inhabit this particular island. In my opinion, graphics and physics are no substitute for a decent storyline. Maybe I should swap gaming for reading or something.
I enjoyed Crysis 1's singleplayer alot, not to mention all the sweet user amde mods and what not as well. Fantastic singleplayer game with horrible online in my opinion. I didnt enjoy crysis 1 online at all, it was lagg... Read Full Review
Crysis Warhead is at war with itself; it's at war because it again can't decide if it wants to be a freeform game, or a rail shooter. In the end it cuts it losses and does both. Expansions tend to carry both the successe... Read Full Review