Game noticed for Flash not substance but delivers on Both

User Rating: 9 | Crysis Warhead PC
Crysis Warhead a great game but not without some flaws.

The graphics for this game are terrific, definately the best you can find right now besides Crysis. Crysis does have better graphics but comes at a higher price for hardware to make it look like screen shots the developers released.

Though the graphics are great there are some shortcomings to them. First off the draw distance for most foilage is very bad. Not to the point where it will make the game unplayable but it is definately an annoyance.

Now its time for the real meat of the game the Gameplay:

The gameplay is a open level shooter. You can accomplish your tasks in a variety of ways and not get yelled at by your commanding officer for straying from the "textbook of war". The gameplay plays like any other shooter but what sets its self apart from the rest of the pack is the suit that your character wears.

Your suit has Five different functions they are:
Shield: Makes any damage you take be taken out of the suit energy before your health

Cloak: A predator style of cloak that lets you sneak around enemies

Strength: Makes you super strong allowing you to jump 4 times as high

Speed: Makes you very, very fast compared to who you fight

Weapon Modification: Lets you modify your weapons with a variety of thing, from silencers to under barrel g'nade launchers

Now back to the accomplish your task anyway you want to. I have had so much fun replaying all the games levels just by taking a different approach. One time I will go in guns blazing while the next I will attach c-4 to my car launch it off a cliff into the enemy base and detonate the c-4 when the car hits the ground.

The game leaves you wanting to go back through to see how many ways you can accomplish a task such as going from point A to point B and killing (or not killing) every one along the way.

My only main complaint about the gameplay is that some of the vehicle levels feel a bit force, one in particular made me sigh with relief after I had finished it. While others made me wanting more of it(without spoiling to much it involves two trains).

Overall this game is a must for anyone who likes FPS' and is a sucker for good graphics.