Absolutely Superb Shooter. Amazing physics, cunning AI, mind blowing visuals and great audio. What more could you want?
Crysis is a truly immersive game, roping you in in under 5 minutes of gameplay.
The story starts with a quick introduction featuring beautiful voicing acting and characters that look so lifelike you could almost be watching a movie. Parachuting down to the beach, you are slowly taken through the options of the game, the weapon modifications you can make, your nanosuit's array of powers and also the introduction to one of the most convincing physics systems ever seen.
Now, just let me extrapolate on that. It feels so good, when your confronted with an enemy hideout, with a pesky sniper trying to delete you, to find any number of ways to take him out. From cunningly shooting down a pine tree so that it falls onto the watching post and collapses it, or another favourite, driving your jeep at high speeds into the base, jumping out just before it collides with the tower, and then shooting the fuel canister with your incendiary ammunition and running for you life. Just watching these thing fly, collapse or explode is unbelievable.
Now, back on target, the storyline follows that you, one of the highly trained infiltration combat unit (or whatever its real name is), your to investigate, with your team, a number of unusual...events...that have occurred on a North Korean Island. Fighting your way through, or sneaking around KPA camps to rendezvous at certain locations or disable the odd GPS jammer or two leads to the eventual discovery of some sort of mechanical alien life, and a frantic escape out of an alien ship and off the doomed island.
Throughout the game, your continually challenged by tough AI, snipers that can pick you out of underbrush, or AI that will attempt to use grenades to flush you out of your favourite hiding spot. The only flaw, which Crytek has turned into its greatest advantage in the developing Far Cry 2, is the inability of AI to properly use vehicles. Many times, when coming under fire, the driver of a jeep will simply get out of the vehicle and see cover or try and shoot you, not a very effective maneuver.
But I believe I'm rattling on, all in all, Crysis is a superb first person shooter that combines unbelievable graphics and amazing gameplay to create an experience you wont soon forget.