Superior graphics game with mediocore gameplay and your cheap overdone story!

User Rating: 7 | Crysis PC
One of the big thing that made Far Cry a great game was not its graphics, but its gameplay, you'd think that Crytek, the developer of Far Cry would know that and implement it in Crysis, but no. Crysis is a game of out most graphical level but no substance. Its story is a cheap reversed future alien story set in a tropical paradise and aliens threatening the world. And you my friend play as a nameless guy who is the hero that's going to save the world.

Where to start with the gameplay, its just so plain that nothing comes to mind to describe it. Well you have the uber suit and have 5 options with it, of which all, but the shield are practically useless. Stealth does not last more than 5/6 seconds, power is good for killing one enemy or jumping high, but taking into account that you mostly encounter several enemies at a time, its practically useless, speed is also useless since it only lasts a few seconds. The weapon option is purely like cosmetic option to the suit, since its part of a standard weapon "modification" system, in which you can attach flashlight, bullets that make the enemies sleep and things like that. So 95% of the time your suit will be set to "shield" and no need to change it, except in very few cases.
Health regenerates itself over short period of time and coupled with the suit "shield" make for an easy game. Not that there are not challenges in the game, but that's more because you'd probably be low on bullets and you'll have to shoot very carefully.
The levels are basically all the same, its a tropical jungle all the time until the very last levels where its still a tropical setting, just white(frozen).
Far Cry for one was very interesting, since it had varied levels, it was in tropical island of course, but in different settings. For example there was a boat level, underground caves level, inside "terminal" level and so on and it wasn't all the time in your face tropical island setting.
Crysis is all about the same thing, with different missions that were basically shy of go to where the aliens are.

Shamelessly the game is unoptimized and so heavy on requirements that most of the people surely played it on low settings and apart from the medio-core gameplay didn't even get to experience the game with all its graphical beauties.
The graphics are not a lot better than newer FPS games like Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, Unreal Tournament 3, Half Life 2: EP2, but are a lot more demanding and its partially fault by an unoptimized engine.

Again I'd like game developers to finally learn that its not the high system requirements that sell the game, but the gameplay and secondly its also the graphics and they should be made with as low system requirements as possible so that the game can sell because of its mass availability and great gameplay.
It would be at least 1 more year until people can play Crysis on a bit higher settings than the lowest one and only then will the game be more accepted.

Overall the game is lacking in story, gameplay and its own unique identity to make it anything more than a mediocore game. Currently I'm giving it 7 for its "supposed" great graphics which I've not seen, since I can't play it on high settings.