Stunning, yet very repetitive.

User Rating: 8.5 | Crysis PC
There is no doubt this game is beautiful. However, thats the only thing that really gives it a great review. Once you have killed one or two different men, you have basically killed them all. The story line is aweful! If you have a computer that can run this game at its peak performance that would be a huge plus. Great system tester for sure. This games "looks" will blow you away. If those that built great games in the past could redo them with Crysis-like graphics...WOW! This will really give us all something to look forward to in the future. So really its all together a stunning piece of work for the "i crave eye candy player". Maybe "Warhead" will have a little more knowledge to go along with great looks. Well done EA, those that say they hate EA games must not have much taste for superd gaming.