Simply amazing.

User Rating: 9.5 | Crysis PC
Well, wow. Thats all i can say. From most reviews people have gathered that running the game is a problem, and alot of people would want to run the game at full capacity for the ultimate experience; So i'm going to base it on the experience. Considering the fact i played the game on all High settings i got a great action-packed first-person adventure, start to finish. I must say the jungle levels do tend to drag on, but the use of dynamic lighting, and also the effects you have on the jungle are outstanding.

The game has a great weapon system, and the weapons themselves are amazing, different ammo types, and the customizable options and upgrades are second to none. From the click of a button you can do just about anything to your rifle. The graphics (If you have the system to run the game) are simply amazing, as i said the use of lighting, shading, volumetric effects, game effects and the detail on everything from the jungle leaves to the scratch on your hand, everything is filled in just right. Also the gameplay is fantastic, second to none, just about anything is destructible; trees, buildings and vehicles are great to destroy, even better is using an enemy as the object to destroy it with.

So, we've covered graphics and gameplay pretty simply, another thing i will have to mention is the story, it takes a while to get into the depth of it, but once there the game just totally transforms into a struggle for survival (in a good way) not spoiling the story for you i won't say anymore so you'll have to play for yourself.

A few points do raise slight concern, but i won't slate the game totally. The enemy AI could be better, the odd enemy will stand there occasionally, doing nothing while you pump a round into him or so. Also the amount of bullets it takes to kill an enemy is something that needs to be tweaked a little.

To wrap this quick review up, i have to say Crysis is a pumped up adrenaline rush, that no major FPS fan should miss, if you can run it, buy it and play it. I have to say you won't be disappointed. A hands down 9.5 for its gameplay, graphics, great story and overall design. A masterpiece.

TPJ McGinnes