How about take a tour in a paradisiacal island full of armed and dangerous enemies just dressing a simple Nano-Suit?

User Rating: 8.5 | Crysis PC
It is undoubting that Crysis entered to the history of games. Its success was so great that it quickly made its way to the hall of the "Best Games", like many other games like Oblivion, Halo, Fallout, Dragon Origins and that, in my opinion, they did not deserve to get its place there. And Crysis deserve that place?

First, what made Crysis famous so quickly? (I say that was...) Because of its engine. All that "photorealistic" scenarios and amazing natural environments really got the eyes of everybody, including my own. As soon as it gets released, it quickly becomes a reference for other games, like "ah! This game is good! Is almost beautiful as Crysis!". But, graphics are all what this game can offer? A tip: if your system cannot handle it in the native resolution of your screen and can't get it run in the medium~high, I can safely say: you will not enjoy it. This means that the core of all the fun of Crysis comes from its graphics. Initially, this is really bad. A game that depends from its beauty to be good can't be that good. That was what I thought before play it.

Fortunately, Crysis got to decently manage all its elements to be a good FPS. Not only because of its graphics, but together with all of the other elements, from enemies and weapons, to firefights and vehicles, it can deliver a great experience as a FPS. All those elements were well made and greatly adjusted to fit in all that beauty.

All the game happens in a remote island in the pacific. After some digging from a scientific expedition from the USA, they discover that something really strange is buried in that island and, suddenly, the North Korea army take control of that island, using the scientist to take control over what they discovered. After a SOS message from the team, we, as Nomad, together with other four teammates wearing the famous Nano-Suit, start to search the scientific team in that island. But, after some strange and unfortunate happenings, things will show that this "simple" rescue mission will not be that simple and that have a lot more happening.

At least, Crysis give a really good initial history, making things look really interesting. But the way how the game tells it make the plot too predictable, like a repetitive action movie from Hollywood. Also, I hated the end of the game. Even using all that "emotion" and effects to give Crysis a "movie air", I still feel that movie would be a poor movie if would be in the way how Crysis tell itself. Well, this game had to be a flaw, a big flaw. So, the history is.

Even don't being as innovative as it sounds, Crysis have two gameplay advantages: one Island and the Nano-suit. One island means freedom. Freedom to choose how you will do things, how you want to accomplish your main and secondary missions, and, fortunately, thanks to one amazing level design, the game give us a lot of options to choose and, depending of the player "style", you will enjoy in any way you choose. There isn't a "right way" to do things; you do what you think its best. Now, all that freedom plus the Nano-suit and we got four time of options to do those things.

For "four times" means that the Nano-suit have four modes: Armor, Strength, Speed and Cloak. Each mode opens a wide range of options in the gameplay. Under heavy fire? Use the Armor to absolve damage while you get cover or run to a better position. An entire North Korean squad after your tail and you're surrounded? Enter Cloak mode to break the perimeter or use the Strength to jump to a higher ground and get advantage in the firefight. Must reach a specific house and must pass through a chopper or a tank? Go in the Speed mode and make them wander what was that.

But you agree that, with this much options and ways to do things, the AI must be able to keep the gameplay? I say that Crysis AI is really good, but, like the own gameplay, isn't a new thing in the world of games. The AI here seems just a improved version of what we see in Far Cry. They can call reinforcements, take and search cover and are able to quickly find you if you're not cautious. Not only that, they have a good aim and can use environments advantages to get you, like hide in the trees, thrown grenades and take position in mounted guns. But, it's interesting notice that the AI is still a little dumb when they are searching for us. Imagine this: ten North Koreans heavily armed in a middle of the forest. Using a sniper, you kill three or four of them before they get to close. Now, enter the Cloak mode. What will happen? Remember in past games that we just had to wait in the corners for the enemies and then shoot them one by one? Well, this WILL happen in Crysis too. At least, they can move and react in different ways, depending of the situation.

For my taste, the game presents really a few weapon variations. Only one type of pistol? No melee weapons? Just seven main weapons and carrying only two at the same time? These are some complains from me, but, fortunately (again), Crysis presents to us a customization menu for each weapon, instead of fifteen or twenty weapons each with a specific customization, we have just seven, but can customize in our way. Of course that in the beginning we had only a few options, like silencer or flashlight. But, soon, we get new types of scoop and new accessories to properly edit our weapons.

Can't forget that, in some specific levels, we can control tanks and, in other more specific level, we take control over one VTOL, some mix between chopper and plane. And must admit that is hard to see controls so well adjusted for them. Actually, the controls in all its aspects are great adjusted, from vehicles and from Nomad itself, using the Nano-suit. Change modes from it are even easier and we quickly get used to it.

The sound effects in Crysis are amazing good and the music just keep the pace, helping to create an "immerse" feeling in the game. The voices fall between my tastes (again). They look a little "over" and make the game looks like a mediocre movie. Usually, I like when characters that we control have voice, because give it a lot more of personality. But, in Nomad case, have times that I wished that he could not speak or, at least, just stand quiet.

In my experience, I almost put Crysis in the "old-school" classification. But it brings so many gameplay elements that the "old-school" itself is one of the ways that Crysis give to the player choose between other ways. Then - finally - I'm back to the question: Crysis really deserve its place in the hall of the best games? My answer will be yes, but it would not be in the top list. And yes, I consider this game kind of a lot of "overrated". I coudn't give it a "8" (too low) and cannot give it a "9" (too high). Goes in the "8,5".

Unfortunately, I haven't the opportunity to experience the Multi Player, so, this review don't consider that part of the game, only the Single Player.