PC games strike back
Well unfortunately because of console dominance pc players started to wonder if there was any hoopla for the pc at all because some of the best games for the pc started coming out cross platform and thus with dumbed down interfaces and dumbed down ai. It's documented that Oblivion which was a great pc game in it's previous iteration called Morrowind, had to be dumbed down because the consoles couldn't handle the ai scripts. Even long standing genre's like RTS, (real time strategy), games had to see console development dumb down their games. Sadly Age of Empires III was the chief offender. The game was dumbed down for cross platform release and didn't even feature as many options for command as the studio's earlier releases like AOE II and Age of Mythology. Dark times.
Release after release on the pc with the console being the first consideration for development and the pc given the same interface and general treatment that consoles got when it could do so much more over the last 2 years had even the most die hard pc gamers wondering... "was this the end of pc gaming." Still we had excellent releases like Civ IV, Company of Heroes and WoW that didn't bow to console pressure but over all it has been rough on the pc gaming community and many lost heart over the last couple of years as we saw all these event unfurl. Even top notch games as Bioshock suffer from multiple problems on Vista and clearly has the earmarks of cross platform design. On top of that the number of games started to wane for the pc as developers focused on consoles more and the shelf space for pc games diminished to a couple shelves at your local EB and Game Stop. Sad times.
Well the Crysis, in the words of Mr. Castanza... "I'm back baby!!!"
Crysis is open ended in most scenarios and allows the player to decide how to attack. The game play is very reminiscent of farcry but improved by a few things, graphics obviously, suite mods and weapon mods.
I won't go into all of the same things you have seen in every other review about the cinematic feel of the game, how engaging it is and how wonderful it looks and how high the production values are. I will just say, thank you for not letting consoles impede your development. This is one of those triple AAA games that literally drives the hardware sales so people can play it like the good old days when you would run out and put a new video card in just to be able to play the latest and greatest.
If there is any fault with crysis it's that the story, similar to farcry could have used a little better scripting as it doesn't quite match some other top tier titles in this area. Other than that, time to upgrade folks and put your console gamepads down to experience the best looking fps ever released.