I've been following this game since it was announced and I was worried that gameplay would suffer since they were focusing so much on visuals. Luckily I was severely wrong. A lot of the gameplay styles itself after FarCry in the sense that you have multiple ways of attacking each situation. The nanosuit adds even more depth to this since you can go in stealthed and eliminate the enemy without them knowing you're there or turn on armor and start mowing them down. The A.I. is good at tracking your movement and flushing you out of cover. Sometimes you'll blow a guy's head off with silenced shot and the guy next to him won't notice but that only happened a couple of times. That story is much better than FarCry. Voice acting is very good and the character animation makes them seem alive. Each chapter in the game got better and better. I did run into a couple of glitches while playing. One time in the Core level a door forgot to open and I was stuck until I realized this and reloaded a previous save. A couple of times some objects were floating as if the physics hadn't kicked in on them. As soon as I shot them they would instantly fall from the sky. In the cave level there was a weird light with a glow around it that followed me around. It ended up being a light from somewhere else in the level that was clipping through the environment. Occasionally there would be helicopter exhaust emitting from a random place in the sky with no helicopter to be seen. A lot of people are hesitant to buy this game because they don't think they can run it maxed out so what would be the point. My computer is 5-6 years old and even though I had to play with everything on low it still looked amazing and I got a solid frame rate with only a few slowdowns during heavy particle effects. Buy this game now and play through it then do it again when you get a better computer. Its worth playing through a few times just for the cinematic events that happen throughout this incredible game. Crytek has created a masterpiece. Don't miss it.
Crytek did it again with Crysis. They produced a game that raises the bar for all FPS for years to come. AI intelligence, realism and graphics really pushes Crysis in being an instant classic changing the face on how F... Read Full Review
Well. Crysis. After being overly hyped by a friend at school, I decided to download this masterpiece's demo off the internet. I was hooked. Bought it right after finishing the demo. Let me start with the presentat... Read Full Review