Crysis has every thing you could want in a game. A certain amount of replayability, gorgeous graphics that will bring any gaming behemoth crumbling to its knees, and gameplay that is truly indulging. You actually feel guilty playing the game! Crysis proves that Far Cry was no fluke. Crytek has top quality game development down to the T, and I can't wait to see what is set to replace Crysis in the future. This is a game that should definitely be considered the yardstick for every other FPS that is to come. It will take a helluva lot to knock Crysis from the podium, and it is a game I know will age with a huge amount of grace, exactly like Far Cry did. If you are going to buy only one FPS game this Xmas, make sure it's Crysis (as long as of course you have the PC power to back the game)! According to reviews, even 8800GTXs in SLI mode couldn't manage the game in top resolution with ultra settings, so that proves how amazing the graphics are. If anything, sometime you won't believe you are looking at a game as often you'll be wowed by the photorealism of the eye candy!
Crytek did it again with Crysis. They produced a game that raises the bar for all FPS for years to come. AI intelligence, realism and graphics really pushes Crysis in being an instant classic changing the face on how F... Read Full Review
Well. Crysis. After being overly hyped by a friend at school, I decided to download this masterpiece's demo off the internet. I was hooked. Bought it right after finishing the demo. Let me start with the presentat... Read Full Review