No matter how many DX10 effects they poured into this cup of old-school shooter the taste is still bitter.
Like crouching - no toggle, only hold-key-to-crouch, which completely sucks if you want to take cover for a little while. The game is obviously geared towards a rushing style gameplay, not much of picking out unsuspecting enemies from a distance.
For instance: the bad guys can take more damage than you, even though you're outfitted in a sci-fi body armor designed to withstand rifle rounds. You need to constantly work for those head shots to effectively kill enemies. Which is such an enormous pain in the behind, when we all know it doesn't take a lot of 7.62 rounds to take anybody down - body armor or not. In this game you'll need to almost unload that Chinese AK to achieve casualty.
Precision over 30-50 meters is non-existent. In real life, it's not that damn hard to hit a target over 100 meters. In Crysis you can forget about it. The few hits you do get in will be absorbed by the Koreans' magic body armor.
Another weird thing that really gets me is the hardest level setting which is the only setting playable since the bad guys don't speak English and where the cross hairs and grenade indicators are disabled (cross hairs are for console games, imo).
And there's just a lot of little things that gets on your nerves as you go along. Crysis plays like a shooter a few generations back. It's an old case of been there, done that.
But more importantly the direction of the story is a major pain to sit through. It's stop and go between the cutscenes, which aren't very hot to begin with, voice acting is standardly dull and the whole immersion is pretty much down the drain.
Great looks are not enough to distract from the abysmal gameplay and irritating little quirks that ruins the whole picture. No matter how many DX10 effects they poured into this cup of old-school shooter doesnt sweeten the taste.
If you want a cool free-roaming shooter set in a jungle, go get Farcry.