READ this review for the truth !
OK. I'm not going to talk a lot about "the usual stuff". You can read that in other reviews...
One of the things that amaze me are all the complaints about the high system specs required. People having a dual/quad core PC, 2-4Gb of DDR2 and a 8800gtx say that the game is unplayable. This makes me laugh so much :)) !
I have a Barton 2500+ oc to 3200+, 1Gb DDR 3200 and a GF 6600 GT Top Edition (520/1100mhz) ON AGP 8x :)). I can run the game at 1024*800 and low to medium details. A friend has a quad core, 2gb ram and 8600gt and i played the game on his rig at max detail and 1280*1024 resolution. It ran perfectly !! (now ths is Dx9 on XP SP2).....
So my point......Don't listen to the fools telling you "there ain't a pc that can run this game" ;) .
Now for the game itself. Before playing it, I finished CV Jericho and Bioshock ( excelent game, ran smoothly even on my pc at med/high detail :) ). Can't think of newer and better games out right now..maybe COD 4 and Gears of war but I can't play them (talk about people saying those games require less of a pc than Crysis ...).
Compared to these ones Crysis is a lot better thrust me !
The game could have been perfect if not for some fatal flaws:
The catch phrase of the day is TO LITTLE ( of everything).
-To be more precise, in the pre-release gameplay videos we saw a lot of intense firefights using the suit. In reality the suit has TO LITTLE energy to be useful. Before playing the game I ACTUALLY THOUGHT that you could combine the power :| and use them for long periods of time. Not true...
-Let's continue. The Destructible vehicles...not much blow the gas tank or kill the driver to steal it . That's it ! And yes , there is TO LITTLE variety. Only the stuff we saw in Far Cry and a VTol ( it sucks and u use it once ! ).
-Weapons....TO LITTLE variety and TO LITTLE damage. It's almost stupid having to unload a clip in an enemy :|.
They tried to make up for this with the customizing aspect. That's just dumb. Think about reality. Ok , maybe you could put a scope on a particular weapon...but not mix everything as u please. Also think about it, you pick up a weapon with a laser site, and you can put the laser site on 3 different weapons :)). If u used it on one it would have been logical (maybe)...
-Enemy's ...TO LITTLE VARIETY. Now I'm not complaining about the AI and aspects like that. The aliens are really cool, the N Koreans act realisticly but there are only 4-5 types of enemy ( 3 if you think about it).
NOW some of my personal favorite and logically incorect flaws :
Weapons should be more precise ( a rifle can actually be precise up to 300m in reality).
Cloak should stay on when you shoot. Think about the physics of it. Suit coated with special materials that bend light...bla bla ....There is no reason why it would turn off when you shoot. The bullet wouldn't be "invisible" ( that would be ubsurd) but the cloak would remain .
Armour mode shot make you almost invincible....
You don't have a freeze ray :D. They talked about it endlessly in the interviews ( it's in the multiplayer but doesn't count...).
MOST OF ALL ...THE GAME IS TO SHORT . When I reached the end level I thought it was 1/4 of the game maybe. You never go into the Sphere like in the videos. You just get out of it :|.
The game really isn't fun. It needed a lot more enemy's to kill :D. Going back into the sphere from the carier with "a bunch of nono suit wearing friends" and blasting a small army of enemy's....that would have been great :D ( and different enemy's not the flyer type).
At to end it...the final "boss-es" lame :|. Shoot shoot shoot, run around on a 60 by 30 m aircraft carier deck :|. Actually 30 by 30 because where the amo is placed !
I still game the game a 7.5. Why ? Well it's 3 times weeker that Far Cry ( and I played that game 15 times), but it's packed with some nice features you don't see in other games, super graphics and a lot more.Also I have a great respect for Crytek. It's not as bad as enemy's spotting you from 50m even cloaked (some say that, not true)...
It;s not that fun. And that's a big no no. Games are meant to be fun !! Just that... But it will apeal to some people. You can play they stealthy sniper role ;), run and gun role....heck, if you don't want to use the "CLOAK SHOOT" strategy that everyone talks about. Just don't use it unless you simply have to ( like I did). The game will be A GREAT CHALLENGE :) ( in the good sence).
I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT THE GAME GOOD RISE UP TO A 9.5 ( gamespot's exagerated score) WITH A SIMPLE PATCH ! That's all it needs, a patch:
50-60% more energy for the suit. maybe 100% more on easy because the game is kinda difficult on all settings.
cloak stays on after you shoot. and that's it :D.
Perfect game...
OR....10-20% suit energy and weeker enemy ( like they should be) and more of them ( for the FUN factor).
Maybe Crytek will think about this and really come up with something as simple as my idea. For a more elaborate one , the above ideas, and some new weapons, new enemy and 1-2 more levels ;). It would be crazy for them to scrap the end boss ( but it's dumb any way) and make the game longer ...but I wish they din it !
People......thx for reading this and have a nice day. And don't forget, Far Cry 2 is coming. I have a feeling it will be what we expected form Crysis. My gut is 100% sure ;)