Great eye candy.But it gets repeatitive quite fast.Same old mission etc. And yes its all max so nothing about a crap pc.

User Rating: 8 | Crysis PC
I found this game to be quite involving at first. But it soon becomes a little tacky and the world isnt at all immersive it feels rather artistic or more of a benchmark game. Its not all about graphics I had more fun playing farcry2 just due to the fact it had something else to do besides sticking to the story . This wold is stunning and huge . yet you cant seem to have a whole lot of fun. Well ok throwing a chair in the air shotting it in half was cool .. for a bit . Multiplayer was a let down . And i dont think ill purchase warhead due to the fact this let me down quite a bit

+ Cool suit
+ diffrent ways to approach certain missions
+ Looks stunning!
- Feels a little lonely at times
- Same old missions
- still a few bugs here and there but not much

Great for those that wanna crank up the settings and have a good old gander at the stunning jungle and coast. But once that wears off it becomes a bit boring and you feel hopeless at times