Wow, just wow. This is why i love pc gaming

User Rating: 9.5 | Crysis PC
I wrote a review a while ago, well not really a review, more of an angry rant. while, here is my real review. I just beat the game about literally 2 minutes ago, and i am speechless. luckily i can still type. From what i have seen, the main complaint about this game is how you need a monster rig to run it. while, i am here to disprove this theory. i'm puttering along on a reliable old dell 4700, (P4 2.8 Ghz, 1.5 gigram, upgraded to 8600gt, all on stock power supply.) and i found, that i could get the game to look great and run great at these settings. shader detail high, all else on low except for water detail, physics, object detail, and post proccessin on medium at 1024 x768 with 2x AA. The only reason this game doesn't get a perfect 10 is because there were a few places that lagged uncotrollably, even when i dropped the settings all down to low. I managed to get though these areas frame by frame, it was challengin to say the least. I, unlike most, loved the plot, and loved the ending. I cant bloody wait for a sequal. I must say, the facial animations blew me away in this game. They were so lifelike and full of expression. i didn't like farcry, but i really like this game. The voice acting was also very good. i actually connected with the characters, which not many games do these days. I think that last game that did that to me was probably Oblivion. Overall, this game is like sex, and i'd reccomend it to anyone, even those with rigs that arent top of the line. the gameplay is worth it alone, the great graphics are just a bonus.