Awesome Game, Stunning Visuals but just too many bugs!!!
The Game's core story plays out rather well except for some silly instances like in the Zero Gravity environment inside the Alien Spaceship and also during the instance where u have to escort one of your comrades through -200 degrees of temeperature.
All in All superb game with awesome fun and some unique new elements into the game such as the Nanosuit and some hi-tech weapons are quite enjoyable and cool @ the beginning but later on the fun wears out due to constant usage, Killing enemies is relatively very simple except for maybe the tiny fact that each enemy can take loads of bullets leaving u in many instances without the proper ammuniton for the right time, The Aliens are nice addition although some elements in gameplay lead to slow performance during firefights with them causing huge amounts of frustration n the inability to enjoy the game to it's maximum potential
Hopefully Crytek will release some patches concerning performance problems which seem to have destroyed some of this marvelous game's fun!