Crysis is the # 1 game (its a revolution)

User Rating: 10 | Crysis PC
Crysis is created by a company called crytec utilising cryengine 2.
Crysis is a revulution to gaming because it is the most complex program there is till now (i said program not only game) It is the most biggest game in terms of space.
Revulutionary to games:
A)PHYSICS: trees are breakable at every point and can be picked up
B)AI and fps interaction: It is the 1st time that one can come up to a AI charachter such as the northkorean soldier or a alien bot and grab it buy the neck and see the facial expresion of the AI change before your very eyes.
c) Graphics and visuals: this game under very high looks better then any game out there and in the pipline. ( most ppl can set AA up to 8 ) so when hardware does catch up to this game and aa will be maxed out to 16 aa this game will look even more amazing can it look more amazing? lol by how much well real life lol.
d) The nano suit: 5 settings that we can set to based on the suits energy level; armor; speed; strength; cloak; and the 5th one is custmised weaponing
e) weapon customization: as a player customises by pressing c in game his weapon is brought in front of him directly and windows allows us to use the mouse and cursor to select from customisable scopes, lasers, silencers, bullets, granadelaunchers, etc..
f) D X10 and dx9: pushed further and allows for future hardware benching
g) Multiplayer: Crysis defines what a next next gen multiplayer game should be straight up
h) gaming for adults:
I) nice story plot
j) difficulty: Delta just right i loved it and will play it again at least 5 time more

my list is longer i will add more to this list