O.M.G what a game, in terms of experience its up there with the original Half Life.
Lets start with what everyone talks about, the looks, indeed they are amazing, 3 years after release and it still looks better then anything recently released.
Its starts pretty good, gets you in the story straight away, but after couple of hours it just looks like a very good looking generic FPS.
Stick with it and you wont be sorry, the levels start to build up the experience and half way into it every single level will amaze you. i remember thinking, "wow this cant be topped" and next level they would do it again.
I have been playing games for many years, and believe me this is a masterpiece of videogaming, the art work on some levels is just jaw droping, the AI is smart uses cover, flanking and even in normal difficulty will pose quite a serious challenge.
my 1st 10/10 since the original Half Life (oh and Mass Effect 1 lol )