Best game of 2007.
Basically you play as a special forces sort of guy with a cool nanosuit which has different abilities: Armour mode which obviously gives you better protection and recharges your health faster, Speed mode which makes you run faster, Strength mode where you destroy the environement with your fists and jump higher etc, Stealth mode where you can turn invisible and sneak past everyone or hide etc. These abilities are damn cool and you can even customise your weapons like add scopes, silencers, laser-sights.
Like I said earlier, the graphics in Crysis are amazing if you have a top of the range PC which I dont unfortunately. I would have given the game I higher mark if I had a better PC! I run it on low-ish settings but with the physics up high because destroying things is fun! It still looks good though, but not great. The requirements for Crysis are a bit too steep for many and it saays on the box it takes up 12GB when really it only takes up about 7GB. But still if you do have a realy ace PC then get this.
The environements you fight in are great. The jungles are brilliant and you can shoot down most trees. One great thing is when you walk through a bush, say, it moves and rustles. Some people think it's just Far Cry with better graphics but trust me, this game is better than Far Cry and it is different. The AI of the enmy Koreans is great and you also fight these big-ass alien things later on in the game (which arent frustrating to fight unlike the Trijans from Far Cry). You can also steal vehicles and pick up any wepaons you want. The levels are huge: you have many options of where you want to go in the game. You can go through jungles to reach the objective, stick to the road, go down lets you explore.
I really think this is the best FPS of 2007. I was dissapointed when Call Of Duty 4 got more votes for game of the year and FPS of the year when in my opinion this game is way better (thank god Bioshock didnt win). If you are a big PC gamer you should already have Crysis, it's the finest game in years. Definitely one for a PC gamer's collection.
+Amazing combat
+Suit abilities make the gameplay amazing
+Best graphics ever so far
+Best phsyics ever so far
+Its Crysis!
-Extreme system requirements but worth it