A somewhat playable tech demo.

User Rating: 7.5 | Crysis PC
The good: The graphics are second to none. With a high end system this games looks amazing. The story is alright for a sci-fi game and the single player plays ok when you can keep your frame rates up.

The bad: The game is buggy and was really unsupported from the start. Crytek decided not to waste any time on making the game run good....especially on vista. The reason they don't support the game is because of piracy I understand. I say this is complete crap and a total rip off. Some of the levels are huge, but there is really no reason to go explore which makes the several massive maps pointless really. The online is a complete joke. Cheaters are everywhere, there is noticeable lag on all servers hosting over a dozen or more people, and Crytek just didn't give a crap about making it play or work good. It's a shame.

I really don't play this game anymore. I will throw it in from time to time when I do a PC upgrade and that's about it. I refuse to buy Crysis:Warhead or anything else made by Crytek. They are a bunch of talented people that can make a beautiful game, but they totally fail in supporting their games or fans. It's good for benchmarking and playing around on a couple of the levels and that's all really. Could have been perfect game. Sad.