Possibly has the worst online multiplayer shooter ive played

User Rating: 4 | Crysis PC
Good stuff
The singleplayer is good and its pretty replayable but at parts gets ridiculous like when some guy talking to you tells you to sneak in somewhere but a helicopter always sees you and justs blasts away at you and can track you down anywhere.at times you will be against two helicopters and a small army of koreans, sometimes a whole bunch of them wearing nano suits and there impossible to kill. bottom line dont try this on hard mode. but most parts of singleplayer are really good. the graphics are the best ive seen.

The Bad:
The multiplayer sucks really hard. There is only 2 modes of wich to play. Power struggle and instant action. power is just super crap. you need prestige points to buy weapons wich you gain by killin other people wich sounds quite good bt really isnt. if your on the losing side theres not much chance of coming back up becuase they normally have 3 helicopters and a plane and 3 tanks all hovering around your base blowin you to shreds if you try to escape the spawns. Its exteremly slow paced almost like a rpg/shooter wich gets exteremely boring.
Instant action is just deathmatch, all-on-all you spawn with a pistol you gotta go find a weapon and then just find each other. I havent came across any vehicles in insant action probably becuase for some reason hardly anyone plays it and crysis always crashes on me, There could easily be vehicles on insant action. There is just two gamemodes on multiplayer wich is pretty poor let alone the fact there both plenty **** it would be ok if they were good. NO TEAM DEATH MATCH?!?!?

all in all i find that crysis is inceredibly frustrating a waste of time and money with an over complicated multiplayer, if you want a good shooter buy call of duty 4 that is a good game.