Crysis defines next-generation gaming!.....I've always wanted to feel whats it like being Predator....Well done Crytek!

User Rating: 10 | Crysis PC
I personally have a average computer and im not going to waste time winging about not being able to play it on full because its not Cryteks fault that i cant afford a good enough PC for it.

I have played it on Max on my friends 'ultimate gaming PC' so i know all whats it like on Max.

Crysis is a game where you could approach your objectives anyway you desire. Annihiliating a KPA could be as easy as 1 minute or as frustrating as 10 minutes which all depends on how well you adapt to the enviroment ,engage your targets and utilize your suit. The nano suit is both appreciated and disapproved by many people. I thought it was magnificent, as we all know that if it wasnt because of the nano suit its complately like FarCry except with Koreans instead of Mercs and Aliens instead of Mutated humans.

The nano suit was just outrageous, I have always wanted to feel like predator stalking the Koreans and Crysis allowed me to experience it. Customising weapons on the battlefield was new and also the maxium strength was very fun to use.

The graphics dont need to be explained as its just too good to believe. Its identical to reality.

The physics are like no other game, There just so realistic. You could do anything the trailers had shown off. Including shooting explosive barrels in mid air, popping a tire while the cars on full speed, destroying a car with one single bullet and so on.

The weapon model is just spectacular especially the SCAR. speaking of the SCAR it is my favourite gun in any game especially when its customized with Laser pointer, assault scope and Grenade launcher.

The singleplayer campaign has very diverse situations such as helping a teammate survive in intense cold weather, tank fights, air assaults, fighting inside the alien ship and the last mission had a great feel of titanic.

Multiplayer was just plain fun when every one pits against each other in their nano suits.

I think that Cevet Yerli and his team have done an absolutely superb job making Crysis what it is.

Crysis is a game where every PC gamer should have next to their PCs, Most PCs could run it except just not on Max however even on Low it doesnt lose to the other games by too much.

Now im am dying for the inevetable Crysis 2