This game deserves a "meh".
There's not a whole lot of variation between all 60 waves. Basically there's just more enemies, more bumpers, more crystals to collect, and the small exit hatch gets smaller, and starts moving. Nothing special.
The graphics in Crystal Quest are probably it's strong suit. It has crisp, clear, futuristic graphics, but they are also very simple, and hard to screw up. Now, I think the developer anticipated people becoming bored with the graphics, so they released little mod packs on the Marketplace - 100 points a pop - but believe me, they're not worth it.
In addition to graphic upgrades, there are also sound upgrades, which are once again, not worth it. They also have a pack that makes the game harder, which seems like the only useful one. But let's talk about sound.
The sound sucks. It's just one continuous loop of this already boring sci-fi tune. It just plays over, and over, and over, and over... it's like torture. The worst part is, there's a gap of a few seconds between every loop. Now that's just stupid.
The gameplay is pretty solid, but nothing special. You guide the little ball with the left analog stick, and you shoot with the right analog stick - just like several other Arcade titles. The "smart bombs" (does that sound familiar?) are activated with the left trigger. The bombs are way to plentiful and really make the game crazy easy.
Overall, Crystal Quest is an entertaining game for maybe a half hour, or an hour if you're patient, but after that, it's just a bore.