Really fun, but not a lot of replay value...
User Rating: 7.7 | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: 3 Dimensions of Murder PC
I thought the cases were very good, I would say equally as good as cases on the TV Show, I also liked how the 5th case tried to use the previous cases to sort of make it feel like it was all wrapped up and that it was worthwhile to do the cases before it. I do enjoy the TV Show "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" though so that may have had something to do with my liking the game. Anyone who isn't a fan of the show, I would think, probably wouldn't like the game... I definitely didn't like how the voices of every female character were wrong. The people who did their voices were very good at impersonating them, but not good enough for me. I would obviously have much rather the real people take time from their busy TV show lives and do the voices themselves, but what are you gonna do, at least the voices sounded... somewhat close to the real ones... I very much agree with Gamespot on that the character graphic seem to have taken a step backwards. The scenery and the crimes scenes looks very nice and... graphical.. but the characters faces look a bit off... or a lot off... For that reason, I think it's completely stupid that they titled it "CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder" because there were previous CSI games, and they were in 3D too, they weren't 2D so it seems completely pointless. Luckily though the voices that are the real characters, I thought were all great, and all the characters were very interesting, story lines great etc. Only other problem is, is once youve beaten all 5 cases obviously, the game just sits there, so for that reason, I'm not sure if buying it is the best idea, although I did. but all in all, I would definitely say it's worth playing.