Not a bad game but not as good as Dark Motives
User Rating: 7.2 | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: 3 Dimensions of Murder PC
I thought is was pretty good but rather easy and the cases were advertised as longer but in my veiw they were shorter than Dark Motives and curtainly easier. It looked and felt awsome and the lip sink was very good. the whole being able to move around the crime scene was very dissapointing and at times just plain awkward and although there was a few twists there was not as many as had been promised, and for some reason despite playiny on a very high end pc it will not let me play with a high graphics detail although there does not seem to much difference between low and medium. All in all I was expecting more case's than just 5 and a far longer game so I see as a step back rather than forward sure it looks good but looks arn't everything!