Fair Game, but has too much ovious investigating errors.
for example on the very firs case, when you see the body on the floor and take the firs picture, the very first cut scene shows the woman being killed by two blows, one that knocked her out and one that left the splatter on the wall. we find a bird statue missing, and you get a print from the stand.
but when you find the bird you get a blu paint trace, but no prints, if someone took the time to wipe of the prints is just common sense that that person would also wipe the paint from it, and at least try to wipe the blood off it.
another thing is the fact that in no moment do we take a narcotics test on the gallery owner, even after he says that the drugs are not he´s and we found them in his safe.
and the fiance, are we supposed to believe that he does not do drugs with out a test.
we never take the artist´s fingerprints in the hole investigation.
these are basic investigation evidence we gather, it should of been the first thing, blood samples, fingerprints and narc testing of all suspects.
but thats just me.
this game was not worth my time.