I can notice some improvement from last CSI 3, and the graphic is good but still considered moderate. Character looking somewhat bad. Voice acting is great, but it is poor when acting the anger conversation. Controls are still bad, even it already 4th in the series. Sometimes you just can't zoom in the specific area to have evidence easily. Its length is pathetic, I do suggest to have at least 7 missions? It is quite addictive since you would like to know who is the murderer, and it just right of difficulty for me. But it could be harder. And the crime scene could be more surprising? Overall, it is worth playing for CSI fans.
Other Helpful Reviews for CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Hard Evidence
First of all it’s a huge improvement on the last installment, the 3-D movement is so much better, and evidence collection has also been made much better. Storylines are a lot deeper and make a lot more sense than last t... Read Full Review
Me pareció un buen juego, pero creo que todavía lo pueden mejorar muchísimo. Las gráficas son aceptables aunque pueden mejorarlas, las historias de los casos son bastante buenas como en la ... Read Full Review