Was not impressed with new style during previews, but turned out to be much better than I expected it to be.
Although after seeing preview images and trailers, I was discouraged to see that the game was dumping the very enjoyable 3D style of previous games for a more animated mini-game based system. After reading about the new gameplay, I initially decided not to buy the game. However, after finding it in a bargain bin, I thought I'd give it a go.
Although not as good as previous CSI titles, NY turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable. The gameplay is different, but is still fairly entertaining. Exploring crime scenes is much easier, although less engaging, but still fun thanks to a snappy evidence collecting system. Interviews and interogations are also engaging as asking the wrong questions and presenting the wrong evidence can count against you, meaning you have to stay direct. The minigames, although not very realistic can be fun (such as fingerprint matching, safe cracking and DNA matching), but others can be a little pointless (spot the difference, link the pictures to the words). The cases are also somewhat interesting and surprisingly well written.
The gripes I did have though include the facr that the game was released unfinished. It includes four cases, with the fifth being made available as DLC some time later. Some of the voice acting is also inconsistant (moods and tones shift for no reason). The main cast is mostly good, except the great Gary Sinise, who seems really detatched. Like I said some of the minigames can also be frustrating.
The main problem is that the game is just too linear. One of the strengths of previous games was that you had freedom to visit crime scenes and other locations whenever you wanted and do your own evidence collecting. Here you are given a list of things you need to find in a scene, and when you find them, you move on to the next location, giving you no freedom. The fact that you are also playing AS characters from the show instead of working alongside them detatches you from the story too.
Although still fun to play with snappy gameplay and interesting stories, NY plays more like a Pheonix Wright game for the DS than a new game in the CSI PC series. This game is a step backwards in visuals and gameplay and hopefully they return to what made the other games so great in future entries.