Broken and Unplayable

User Rating: 1.5 | CTU: Marine Sharpshooter PC
I dont really do many reviews but Ill make this snappy. Steer clear of this game. I installed this game on my PC and it ran ok...for the first mission. Now usually I am very lenient on budget games but this was inexcusable. What happened was when I started the second mission I found that my scope was stuck on zoom. Not only that but when I selected the other weapons such as the knife or pistol my view still stayed zoomed in! Not wanting to let a single bug stop me I played the entire mission stuck suffering with this horrible tunnel vision bug hopeing that once I finished the mission the game would sort it self out. Nope mission 3 and the same problem. So I did what any unsatisfied customer would do and contacted Groove Games and explained the issue. Their response? "This is likely do to your mouse not working properly." No Groove, my mouse is fine...this is due to your GAME not working properly! Right then and there I knew they didnt even bother to read the email I sent them. They probably knew how broken it was and decided to play dumb.

Don't buy this game, its broken unplayable and their customer service is borderline retarded.