This game was one i found in EB quite by accident, and it had an interesting theme to it, so i took it home. I assumed that it was very much like Blitzkrieg, and i wasn't wrong (not a bad thing). Sure, the game doesn't look flash, but the graphics get the job done. The audio is appropriate to the theme of the game, and isn't so bad that you'd rather be content listening to a politician waffling on about nothing. The almost complete destructibility of the environment and buildings adds a degree of realism, as does the fact that if your tanks are heavily damaged by other tanks or AT infantry, you can't just bring a repair truck into it and completely repair it (unless you are really lucky). Usually, any residual heavy damage has to be repaired on the tactical map, resulting in the units being unusable until repairs are complete, or until you cancel repairs. Another things is the constant need to keep your supplies of ammo, fuel, and spare parts handy but safe. There's nothing worse than being in the thick of things and suddenly that absolutely-critical fuel truck gets blown up before it gets to your tanks, or you run out of ammo. There is high degree of multitasking necessary to manage the game successfully, and many people will find this difficult. However, once you get used to it, the game becomes a lot more pleasurable to play. Another aspect of the game i enjoy is the tactical map, where battle plans and resources are managed, and where new armies are built and old ones repaired/upgraded. It gives the user a feeling of actually being a military tactician, and gives the game more of a real feeling. Another interesting feature is the use of Contaminated Zones, where nuclear, chemical and biological fallout are deposited. Generally it's not a good idea to march your units into them (even your tanks), as they tend to die very quickly, unless you decontaminate them with special decontamination units beforehand. All in all, the game is a very good one, and has good replayability. The high learning curve may deter some people away, but it is ideal for those with much patience or have a big interest in "What-If" games.
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