More of the same, but sometimes that's a good thing

User Rating: 8.5 | Culdcept Saga X360
I have to start by saying that one, I played the PS2 version to death all the way up until I got the 360 version and loved it. Two, I have not gotten very far in this version yet (still working on Mass Effect...only so many hours in the day). In the end, this version may not bring a whole lot more to the table that the original other than updated graphics (which are nice), some new cards (again, haven't gotten that far) and much better cutscenes (eh) but is it fun, addictive and certainly worth $40? The answer is yes. My misgivings with the game is that it is a little rehashed if you played the original - some of the card art is exactly the same while some card stats are the same, but with prettier pictures. There are just a few new 'powers' like Doublecast that I have encountered and I hope to find even more down the road. Bottom line is if you haven't played the original and like Magic or other collectible card games, you really should give this a shot. If you loved the original, this is still most likely worth your time. If you didn't like the original, not only will you still not like the sequel, you are a heartless golem and you have my sympathy.