Culpa Innata features an engaging cast, a dastardly crime, a unique art style, and the butterfly effect!
First of all, the story is original. It is set in the near future, in a pseudo-utopia like world. You play the role of Phoenix, a high level security officer for basically what equates to a world government. To me my role somewhat felt like a "Star Trek cop, but not on a ship", if that makes any sense at all. A murder takes place, which is non-existant in this paradise, where genetic diseases are identified and removed before birth (Gattaca anyone?). It's your job to figure it out.
That's definitely one of the best parts of this game, the story. The cast of characters is memorable, and range from terrorists to annoying salesclerks. The story also has deep, dark undertones surrounding the scientific "chaos theory" (the butterfly effect), non-linear mathematics, the Lorenz attractor, etc… Don't worry, it's not as confusing as it sounds, and the game on a whole doesn't make you do much with them, you're not going to be doing equations (if you can add 1 +1 you should be fine) but it will intrigue you as boring as it sounds.
You will be solving many "logic type" puzzles in the game, some of which are excellent, some a chore. None are designed as wonderful as The 7th guest, but they are definitely better than 90% of modern adventure games out there and are actually "fun".
Graphically, the game is a mixed bag. The drawing and art in the game is fantastic, and really adds to the overall atmosphere of the game. Unfortunately, the game suffers from poor resolutions and just some random "ugliness". Overall though, unlike some other editors, I found the artistic style of this near-perfect world amazing.
Likewise for the sound. Tons of spoken dialogue for this game, unfortunately some of the speech is just terrible, but fortunately some of it, including the main character, it is terrific.
Control is yet again, a mixed bag. The game loads quickly and responsively, even on older PC's, but it does have a few quirks. For instance, in one of the areas, my character just doesn't seem to want to run forward. She runs backwards, every time. Perhaps this is my punishment for the lack of doing the daily exercises you are supposed to do in this world (oh yes, in this world, exercising is the law). It's not too bad though.
If you like adventures or merely a great story, get it for sure, if not, don't!