Why the negative reviews???
i.e. The Camry has annoying stability control systems that prevent you from doing a 90degree powerslide at 120mph on the Autobahn... Road and Track forgets the Camry is designed for people to safely transport an American family to Soccer practice, on US roads with 55 to 65mph speed limits.
This reviewer has issues if he went to see Curious George the movie or play Curious George the game if he thinks the target audience is over 8 or 9 years old.
When I took my 6 and 3 year old to see the movie, they were on the older end of the spectrum of the theatre packed full of kids...
This game is designed to be one of the first games a toddler, small child get's his hands on. The person assigned to this review should have had small children and should have observed them playing it, then weight that into the review.
Reviewing it from the perspective of Battlefield 2 or something is way out of kilter..
I'll admit, I have not yet played the game but will be buying it for my small children. However, a review from a small child's perspective and not a mature Gamer would be more useful.