The Gameplay is terrible. If you hate the Resident Evil controls, you won’t even be able to play this game. It’s Resident Evil Style, but with worse handling, horrible camera angles, and terrible response to buttons. The animation is very bad, particularly in combat scenes. Not to mention the computers AI is pretty bad as well. Sometimes when you’ll try to climb a ladder you’ll have to press the climb button a ton of times and at different angles. The graphics are the best part of the game but they’re nothing special. The characters look ok, but could use a few more refinement. The fire from the flamethrower looks good and will temporarily catch on fire. The enemies also need some more polish and the environments are good look for 2D resident evil style backdrops. The game only has a couple musical scores for the game that get repeated over and over and become quite dull, with no custom soundtrack option. The sound effects, music clips, and voice acting range from good to mediocre. The game is 9 hours long, which is a little short for a good survival horror. But for a game with this level of Gameplay and under finished-ness it seemed almost too long. Particularly due to the slightly interesting story and the terrible Gameplay. The game doesn’t leave you feeling like you would ever want to replay it. Overall it is a less than good game that certainly needed a better starting story and idea. With a lot better worked out game mechanics and a more original game style, instead of a cheap and crappy Resident Evil wannabe.
By cosmostein77 | Review Date: Apr 01, 2005 | XBOX
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