Climb every mountain, search high and low. Follow every by way, every path you know.
The mountain is deserted by the locals because some mountain Goddess is angry and now the ghosts of the people who died on it attack the living.
Fortunately Eric soon grabs hold of a magic ice-pick which he can use to bust the ghosts and send them back to kingdom come, or nirwana or wherever.
A lot of people complained about the controls for this game, but the controls are really not that much of a problem once you have read the manual and learn to control your movements. the most important thing is to hold the wiimote or nunchuk facing up and pushing them forward instead of making a throwing motion, when required to do so. After a while once i got the hang of it i found busting ghosts actually quite fun. The story borrows a lot from the first hellraiser movie, but that's ok. It's a great story. The soundeffects and music are great and the atmosphere is tremendous. As you get higher up the mountain you might want to turn of the heat in your house for extra gameplay experience! Also it's fun to light some incense every time Eric does. He uses it to heal himself. Then you've got a 4D game!
It took me less then 10 hours to complete this game and there is nothing to unlock afterwards, but for me that's fine. If you have a interest in mountaineering, buddhism, Tibet, ghostbusting or like atmospheric horror i recommend picking up this game.