One of the best on the DS.

User Rating: 9 | Gekitou! Custom Robo DS
I was rather reluctant to pick up this title but I am sure glad I got this game. I'm just going to view a few aspects of the game. First, the game play. Overall, the game play is amazing. Battles are fast paced and action packed. Jumping around the levels dodging enemy fire while trying to scrap your opponent gets the adrenaline pumping. Fully customizable robots make each battle different so your never going to see someone play exactly like you. Also having to clean them for better performance adds some realism to the game, although it can be tedious. The only problem is that the weapons are incredibly unbalanced. Even someone with a better leg equipped could easily defeat you if you were on the same skill level and had the same robo (without the leg of course). Online makes this game playable for months. Also, don't worry about cheaters online, it's impossible to hack and if you disconnect, you automatically get 5 losses added to your record. One of the best parts of online is the matching system. In the game, you get a rank for how many stars you get. Stars are acquired by winning battles; the better you do, the more stars you get. Who you face is based on the rank of you and your opponent.

The story is not exactly amazing however. I'll try not to spoiler it. Basically, you start out by going to a new school because your dad got a job at a robo lab. The school is crawling with robo fanatics who are itching for battles. Naturally, there is a bully who is the best robo battler until you show up and challenge him by joining a small robo club of only two members. The challenge seems insignificant but there is actually a tournament in which you must battle through to challenge the bully. The winner of the tournament gets to challenge other schools and eventually will move onto larger scaled tournament for a global basis. Of course there are villains too, but I'm not going to get into who. After you beat the main story, there are many challenges you can do to get better robos and weapons. These challenges are difficult and some are hard enough to find. You can also buy other illegal parts for a hefty price however.

Next, the graphics. The graphics of this game are excellent. The graphics style is very easy to look at and doesn't slow the game down with high polygon counts in battles a saving grace for online battles. The robos and guns are detailed fairly well, but it seems like some got more attention then others. Some robos are more detailed than others. Some of the effects are pretty ugly though, but most move so fast you aren't going to realize it. The world map takes a 2D look. The character models on the map are nothing special to look at, especially in this day and age, but they get the job done. Besides, you'll spend more time talking than anything else. Each character (other than you and random NPC's) have anime style drawings. There a few for each character depicting a certain emotion, much like any other game using the same method.

Next, is the sound. The sound quality in this game is great. It sounds like it came directly from the Gamecube Custom Robo, which is definitely a good thing. The sound effects are pretty nice, but you really can not simulate a gun that shoots a dragon head, can you.

To continue, value. When I got this game a few weeks after it launched ( I would have gotten it on launch day but my Wal mart is awful, I bought it for $35 USD. I'd say it was well worth it. The game has not really sold well so I'd guess it would have a slight price drop by now. Not really much else to say about that.

Finally, the tilt. I think this is an amazing game. You really cannot describe how good it is by just talking about. The battles are just pure fun. The game provides a challenge to anyone but is easy enough for most people to beat.

To conclude, Custom Robo is a game every DS owner should check out. It's battles are fun and intense. Online is competitive and is always a plus. The story is pretty long, but not very satisfying because everything happens in the end, making you feel like your being rushed. The graphics are top-of-the-line for the DS. Sound quality is surprising and sounds almost as good the Gamecube Custom Robo. The game is worth your purchase and will not disappoint you. It's got robots blowing each other up. What's better than that?