This is a fun game,but it's more a multiplayer game than a single player game...

User Rating: 7.5 | Custom Robo GC
Wow,this game is kind of underrated.

This game is,actually,pretty fun.There are multiplayer and single player modes (exhibition fights,arcade and story).

First of all,the gameplay.The basic concept begin the game is just that you are a robo commander and you have to use little robots (dubbed,Robos,which is lame since Robo means Steal in spanish) to beat the living crap out of your opponent's Robo.There are some RPG elements to it,like the HP,which go from 1000 to 0 (obviously,if you hit 0 you are dead)

That is rather simple.You jump with A and shoot with B.That's probably all you really need to know.

Anyway,the game is also based on the customization of your Robo,which is made of 5 parts: Body,Gun,Bomb,Pod and Legs.All of which you have to unlock by playing the story mode.

When you have a decent quantity of parts,it up to you to make your Robo as powerfull and cool looking as you want.What you need to changed the most is the Body,being as it contains all the functions of the Robo.Some models are pretty fast,others are slow,some can't be taken down that easily,while others are easily laying on the floor most of the match.

It's up to you to choose the body that fits your needs the best (my favorites are the Javelin and Metal Bear).But,you will need to unlock them before.

On to the story:

The single player mode begins with a little intro in which your father gives you a clock of sort which REAL use you won't find until the end.After the short intro,you will find yourself in the present,being waked up by your landlady (LOL).

While you are talking to her,you will discover that your father is dead (your character knows all about it already,this is just something for the player to "catch-on") and that his last will was for you to become a commander,those who are to control Robos,which you will learn what they are just after a bit into the game.

To become a commander,you go get a job as a bounty hunter.As a first mission,you will have to go to a near laboratory,right after you boss gets a call.And all that happens even before you get a robo or even get hired.I don't want to tell more about the story,so play it and find for yourself?

Anyway,the story mode feels like it's only there to annoy you.While the story has some cool and funny parts,most of it feels like filler for the Robo battles,which are pretty easy to beat (after you get used to it,off course).And you HAVE to play it if you want to play a exhibition match against the CPU at anytime.You also have to play it to unlock "The Grand Battle" and all the parts to customize your robo.

Now,The Grand Battle is kind of a afthermath to the story.But's it only a lot of robo battle tournaments,only good for fun and parts unlocking.

In short,the only thing the story mode is for is for unlocking parts and more single player modes.You have to play it through if you really want to invite friends to are not going to make multiplayer matchs with just the basic parts,right?

Graphically,the people in story mode are really ugly modeled,but the anime-ish faces you see in the text area is pretty funny.But the robos are pretty nice looking,as are the arenas (which you will be looking at 90% of the time you play the game).

So,this game is mainly a multiplayer game that forces you to play on story mode if you want to have a full multiplayer experience...weird,right?

In the end,the game is fun if you have friends to play with,since the single player battles get boring and you will find then being REALLY easy.The only one which is actually hard is the final boss fight in story mode...and it's a 3 on 1 (and you are one of those 3).

I recommend you to rent it,and if you like it a lot and think it will be fun to play with friends buy it.If you have friends that like this kind of game,buy it.

I did none of those as I borrowed it from a friend,which is the best option,anyways.

Conclusion: a fun game with a barely OK story mode which you need to play,but the fun of a multiplayer match against your friends makes up for it.