this is a pretty good game it has some pretty good features but some is just to much to remember in a quick battle like pods bombs is just to much for me handle the multiplayer in this game is fun but the should be more difrent battle types and better stages because the ones that you get are pretty borring epecialy if you play this game alot i beat this entire game in 3 hours thats to short its not even funny i swear this is a good game for people who like robot battles and a really retarded story line especialy the characters
Japan has long since established itself as a creator of unique titles with enticing stories and innovative gameplay mechanics. The Custom Robo series epitomises this reality as its games vastly redefine what a mech shoot... Read Full Review
The Custom Robo series has been often criticized for lacking core gameplay mechanics and failing to deliver a worthwhile experience. Scratch that, Custom Robo on the Gamecube fixes many flaws from it's predecessors, whil... Read Full Review