A great reboot of the N64 custom robo that were sadly only in Japan and now has even more to it then it use to.

User Rating: 9 | Custom Robo GC
Custom Robo is my number one favorite Gamecube game for many reasons. There is a whole new storyline, more realistic robos and customization for the robos and a special tourney you can complete by facing the past people you beat after you finish the great story line. This custom robo game stands out because you can chose ehat you want to say unlike the ds version where your questions are ansewred for you and not even being able to even say yes and no. There are oment where you can change what happens like in the near end one of your team mates has to use the bathroom and you can stay there for a while saying no and you dont have to go in but if you say yes you have to fight some villians and it is an amazing way of choice and there is one more to my mind that you have to go to the dome of the outside where the main evil robo destroyed it and if you say no it says game over and your team mate says you let everyone down thanks alot. but now thats out of the way its time for the storyline.The story opens with a flash back from the hero's earlier life.

The main character "Hero", is a child whose father has disappeared. Before his mysterious departure, Hero's father gave him a watch, telling him to keep it safe. At this point, the game leaps to the present and Hero suddenly receives a letter stating that his father has just died. In honor of his father's wishes for him to become a Robo Commander, Hero sets out to do so - despite knowing nothing about robos. He eventually manages to join up with a group of bounty hunters known as the "Steel Hearts", where he meets Ernest, Harry, and Marcia. A fellow member of the Steel Hearts, Harry, teaches Hero how to command robos and helps him receive his license, which allows Hero to battle with robos legally. After a few minor errands, Hero and company discover the self-guided Robo known as 'Rahu'. Later, after passing a test and obtaining a Class "S" license, Rahu's past is revealed and Hero finds out that he is a toy bot fused with an invisible organic being who had accidentally been merged with the toy.

Before the time of the domed city, the world was attacked by a powerful entity - now known as Rahu. Eventually, Rahu came to possess a child's toy. This toy was very similar to a Robo. By popularizing Robo battling, the government gave the people a way to fight the entity. Rahu was soon damaged enough to be driven into dormancy for a long period of time, but has now awoken. Hero and the rest of the police force leave the safety of the dome to defeat Rahu again, along with the organization known as the Z-Syndicate, who are trying to control the entity for their own ends. After defeating the syndicate, Hero meets an old friend of his father's, and the brother of Marcia of the Steel Hearts,- a spy named Sergei. He originally joined the Z Syndicate to stop Rahu, but was forced to work with Oboro, who wanted to control Rahu for his own means. Eliza and Isabella, two other members of the Z Syndicate, also wanted to control Rahu. Sergei showed Hero an old recording of his father's last message to him. In the recording, Hero's father explains that he left to form the Z-Syndicate in an attempt to inform the people of Rahu's impending attack. The other members soon lost sight of his vision and betrayed him in an attempt to the seize control of the Syndicate and Rahu. Hero eventually defeats Rahu, ensuring the world's safety - for a while.
When you start an battle you start in a menu to costumize the robo and see stats of the stadium your fighting in and your enemies and your partners later on in th game. So we start the game and we start in a launcher that shoots you out and how many times you bounce determineswhen the countdown of when the robo comes out. You start at 1000 health and there are bombs,guns,a dash,missles,and the type of legs determines how long your in the air and how fast you run or get up. There are illegal parts which are over powered and brings down your score if used which is bad in the tourney mode of the game. There is also a choice of firs person view which is bad to use against multiple enemies. This was a great game and it is cheap now I say BUY IT NOW WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR IT'LL BE GONE SOON AFTER THE GAMECUBE GAMES GO OFF THE GAMESTOP SHELVES AND EBAY IS OVER PRICED. It may have had a short storyline but I'm really sad that battle arena didn't come back with most of the choices it had for the gamecube. I'am still hopping that they will make another one and it'll be exactly like this one but more features. This is all I have to say and its great!