What a weird game...

User Rating: 6 | D no Shokutaku SAT
This game is the weirdest game I have ever seen. It is a cross between Myst and any given survival horror game. You play as a girl who hears her father (a doctor) has gone mad and killed everyone in a hospital but some hostages. You rush to the hospital, and everything goes crazy and unexplainable. The game's sound is terrible, and the graphics not that great. The gameplay is almost turn-based-like and slow. Plus, the very limited game comes on 3 cds! Now, GTA SA is available on 1! Oh, and the game runs on a one hour timer that you have to beat the game in. You have no pause feature or save ability. Throughout the game, you soon figure out that you are the crazy one and that the visions you have are in your mind and alot of other weird stuff that is hard to explain. Suprisingly, the layout is good and terrifying, and reall fun! I say it is a good nostalgic game.