This game sux. Its not worth your time trust me.

User Rating: 2.5 | D1 Professional Drift Grand Prix Series PS2
I have to admit it has excellent real life capabilites. Like you have to actually shift your car to reach higher speeds. and you have to pull the E-brake to slide the rear end of your car to make the drift. If you go into a drift too fast it will spin you out. Also if you hit the wall with your front end, your front bumper will tear off. The only thing I didnt like about this game is that your car wont accelerate like it should. It makes things harder on you than the game is actually suppose to be. Another thing is that you cant go straight into a race. You have to no matter what complete the Training portion. I see why this game never made it. Now the different cars you get are pretty cool to drive around the different tracks. You have basically all the cars that are in normal Drift compations.