Has some good ideas but core implementation is weak and unpolished making the whole game a chore to play...

User Rating: 4 | Damnation PC
Steam punk.
Deeper than average level design.
Adventure themed level implementations.
Bike wall climbing can be fun.

Con:Not enough weapons,enemies,ammo,items the first half of the game.

Bike areas could have been more open and more action packed.

Level layouts are kinda deep for a modern FPS but sorely under utilized IE a whole lot of empty spaces.
Nothing to write home about, just normal for a modern game.
Bad but I there is worse.
Plot is not so bad but characters and the story is rushed and shallow....
Final thoughts

Level design is A-- meaning better than most but its poorly unitized making for a lot of emptiness that with a feeling limit weapon variety makes the whole game feel like its going through the process but not accomplishing anything.

Things I hate the most not being able to chose what weapon I carry on the hip, so what if I can not use it when I climb I'd rather take the risk and carry what I want.. another is the emptiness of the levels... another is lack of friendly AI squad commands.
Things that would make it better without completely over hauling it.

If you had more random weapon/ammo drops, more weapons more hidden stuff in the levels perhaps a few more enemy sub types and friendly AI squad commands the game would have been better than average if just by a hair.
Reason I give it a 4(below average) and not a 3 or lower(blatantly bad), this is how I see Halo 2+,COD,Bioshock,Res and other modern FPSs simple lack luster under whelming 'its good enough' games only they get better scores because of brand power.

I don't playact to the modern average of 7, the average is 5 on a 1-10 scale and most games are lucky to hit 5-6 much less 7+ these days.........