Dance Dance Revolution – Show me your moves and I’ll show you mine Best way to get your kids to exersize.
When I think of DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) my heart starts pumping harder and the need to play becomes over whelming. Dance Dance Revolution has got to be one of the most addictive forming forms of exercise in the world. This game has got to be one of the greatest arcade games in the world and now with the game more and more easily available on console systems and PC alike the growing popularity of DDR is nothing more then amazing.
What is DDR?
Dance Dance Revolution is a musical arcade game that combines foot-eye coordination as well as great music and dancing skills. The game itself is pretty simple. First you have a pad with 4 arrows: up, down, left and right. The arrows on the pad match 4 stationary arrows on the screen. Next you pick a song and the level of difficulty you'd like to dance to. When the song starts there are 2 sets of arrows you want to be watching the stationary arrows and the moving arrows. As the moving arrows move towards the top of the screen, the goal is to match the moving arrows (using your feet) to the stationary arrows while using your feet to step on the matching arrow. It may sound a bit hard but trust me this game kick's @$$.
Where did it come from?
DDR was created by Konami as an arcade game. Konami not only created a whole new style of arcade gaming but also created a whole new trend with teens across the world.
The game originated from Japan and quickly made its way to North America.
So y is DDR so great?!?
The reason DDR is so great in my book is because it combines something everyone wants (Gaming and entertainment) with something everyone needs (exercise). In fact this is so true that in the states over 750 Junior high and high schools will soon be offering this “game” as a new source of physical education (in addition to the rest of the program). If any parents are reading this article and you’re having trouble getting your kids or teen off there butt to go do some exercise this is it, the miracle solution! It is the best!
Where and how can you play?
As of now we have yet to acquire a DDR machine in Moncton. Sure some of you will say “but what about that dance game in you know where…” to this I have one thing to say. The game they have at “Crystals” is NOT DDR in fact it is a rip from to original. Myself and several other people who have played both DDR and the step game will be able to tell you that it is not the same. DDR is much more challenging. When or where can we expect a DDR machine to be in Moncton you may ask? Well Ground Zero Networks is working on completing an open source version of DDR. As far as a real DDR machine well my suggestion is get a soft pad. Yes soft pad. Soft pads are a soft version of the hard metal professional pads used for DDR. Both Play station and Xbox offer a complete kit with pad and the game. These game combos go for around $60 and trust me when I say this: It is worth every penny spent.
So now after reading this you may ask your self “is getting up and dancing on a mat fun?” Hells yes! “Do you recommend this game?” You betcha! “Can the world really become a better place if we all get up and Dance?” Well Dawww... My conclusion to this review is pretty simple. Thanks to the great work from Konami we finally have a way to game and get the exercise we need. This Game is the best!
For more info on DDR check out and if you in the mood to try a keyboard based version of this rocking game check out You can also try a version of Konami’s Dance Dance Revolution for PC at .