Great Addition to the DDR Franchise.
User Rating: 9.1 | Dance Dance Revolution Extreme PS2
DDR Extreme is a great addition to the DDR game series. Like all of the previous games DDR has a great selection of Konami original music, sampled music, and popular music. Although look for even more popular songs remixed in this game. The EyeToy feature and party mode feature of the game is great. In some EyeToy Games in DDR don't even need the dance pad. The gameplay is great and the game itself is ideal for any party. Even newcomers to DDR will enjoy (believe me, last Thanksgiving all I heard was DDR at my house). Overall the game is great for anyone who is interested in DDR or just likes to dance. P.S. It is HIGHLY recommended that you have a DDR Pad in order to play (buy from Mad Catz their pads are durable for use over years).