DDR with no voice lyrics!!!! Yes!!!!
Review 55
Released: 2000
Developer: Konami
Game Genre: Action
Just like every other DDR game, you watch the arrows move up while a song plays, and then push them when they cross the flashing arrows up top. One again, however, the GBC’s limitations impede any real progress on handheld DDR games.
Just like the last one, there’s a cruddy little person dancing to the music next to cruddy little arrows. Not impressive at all.
Previous Game: Dance Dance Revolution
The only improvement is the wider variety of songs to select.
None whatsoever, just because of the sound.
The songs are still just MIDI tracks without any instruments except for the little beep beep beeps, and no lyrics.
Controls: Push the arrows in order that they cross the screen at the top.
Difficulty: Normal
The GBC’s tiny little D-Pad prevents most difficult songs from being able to be played, but there is a “basic” difficulty level that makes it easier.