User Rating: 9 | Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party WII
Great!!! game,really really good.Lets take a look at the game. Heres what you gotta do. You go to venue mode [or something like that] and do certain things such as beat the venue master,clear 3 songs, geta b or better, and other things. Youll eventrally unlock new songs and clothes for your favorite person.It has tons of relay value,gameplay,and GROOVING TO DA BEAT!! But there are some bad things like. There are no good dancers, the mat is good but the hand motions are somtimes not responsive,I mean come on a guy with a afro too 70s. And the songs can move a little too fast or too slow.But it will be fun and you will get fustrated. But that is part of the fun. But 90 yrs olds DONT BUY THE GAME!!!! Please we need 90 yrs olds getting heart attacks.do we.DDR HOTTEST PARTY GETS 9 BUST-A-MOVES OUT OF 10.