They took a formula that wasn't broke and tried to fix it with gimmicky features you can't disable.
I never thought the game needed any sort of Wiimote integration, but I can see how some more hardcore DDR fans would appreciate the variety. No biggie, I'll just disable that feature. Wait a second, I can't disable anything. And what's more, I can't alter ANY song features. At least in previous games, you could tweak gameplay by holding down the button when you select a song. Here, there is no such feature as far as I can tell and I need it now more than ever.
In addition to useless, gimmicky hand waiving, you also have to contend with tacked on gameplay "twists." These twists change every song, but I can't stand any of them. One involves steps that are encased in ice and must be stepped on twice. These are undoubtedly the result of some genius brainstorming meeting where the developers threw around ideas to "mix things up" for the series. Here's a clue: Ask the people who play what they think first before you go and force gameplay changes that no one asked for.
The bottom line here is I spent $70 for a game that I immediately hated. I regret that I cannot go back into time and stop myself from buying this game. My only consolation is that I have the pad now which I can use on future dance titles (provided I do more research this time). Don't waste your money like I did. That said, would anyone like to buy a used copy of the game from me?