To put it in Simple words it is Very Fun

User Rating: 8.8 | Dance Dance Revolution with Mario GC
This is a very fun game and the first DDR game i ever played. Never thought of playing the others me it didnt look good but when nintendo made a DDR game with Mario i went to get it cause im a Mario fan. Well after i played this game i found out it was a very fun game and can easily attract little kids to play this cause it got Mario and all...dancing so. didnt really think this game would be that good. well the story too short and too easy. but if you want to hear or dance to some good music just leave this game on and dance. the music in this game is good of course because it has a sort of techno beat with the Mario and nintendo songs and it goes good together. so the bad part of this game is the gameplay and the best is the sound/music and thats pretty much it.